Estimated Delivery Date
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Estimated delivery Date (EDD) feature allows users to see an estimated timeline based on their Zipcode/Pincode. This feature is added to the Product Detail Page (PDP) of your app.
This feature is available exclusively for our Enterprise Plan merchants.
The EDD feature can be implemented in two ways:
Appbrew Native Module
Clickpost Integration
The native implementation of the EDD feature is directly supported on the platform without any third-party dependency. Merchants can set fixed SLAs for pincodes which will be used to show the user.
Merchants can set minimum and maximum SLA for each Pincode/Zipcode
Merchants can set cutoff time. If a user checks the delivery timeline before the cutoff time, same-day shipment will be considered and the standard SLA days will be displayed. After the cutoff time, one day will be added to the SLA days.
Cash on delivery (COD) availability
Download the EDD sheet template, fill in the required details, and share it on to get it implemented.
The EDD feature can also be implemented using Clickpost integration. Clickpost is a logistics management platform. This method requires having Clickpost integrated into your Shopify store. To enable this, merchants need access to Clickpost Serviceability APIs and ensure SLA data is uploaded.
Clickpost API key
Pickup Pincode/Zipcode
Share the above details at to get it implemented.
For any further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at